External Links

Drum Makers in Switzerland

In alphabetic order:

Music Notation Software

Finale Finale offers a free 30 day trial
MuseScore MuseScore has free versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. A portable version is also available.
Sibelius from Avid Sibelius is available in several versions. "Sibelius | First" is the free version. Other versions are free to download and to use for 30 days.

A Drum World

SIRD The Society of International Rudimental Drummers


Slow motion video: A Basel drum's batter head and snare movements (YouTube)

Rhythm: Everthing is rhythm. (YouTube)


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” (George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950)


Society of International Rudimental Drummers
Since 2018

Schwertfeger Trommelbau
25+ Jahre im Fokus der Tambouren

"Mein Trommelbauer"